Ask the Lash Expert on Removing the Extensions at Home without Harming the Eye Area

Over the last year or so, eyelash extensions seem to become the cosmetics product of the day. Remember the days when you need to apply a new set of fake lashes each day, as lash extensions will offer you the immediate satisfaction of longer, thicker eyelids. 


Large eyelids would be enough to persuade someone to spend their hard-earned money on such a business. With hectic schedules and an ever-increasing list of obligations, we cannot always pay the effort to get our lashes checked. So the query at hand: can lashes be removed at home?


In the excitement of having to get the fake lashes removed, there are few essential points to remember before attempting to replace lash extensions on your own, which might eventually end in tears; the trick is that you first try your hands on replacement eyelids.


The chocolate replacement eyelids are the artificial eyelash mannequin, which are used by professionals to practice their hands on lash style.


The aim is to keep your lashes as clean as possible, so it is useful to understand what you do not have to do before you try anything.


1. Do not Pick or Drag your Lash Extensions


Never trim your eyelash extension or take off your lash extensions. Picking extensions will only bring injury to the natural eyelashes, and the extensions can gradually grow and lose with the normal lash process.


"Combat the temptation as much as you can to pluck up the extensions, instead practice using the chocolate replacement eyelids because this can have long-term effects on your eyelash healing process. Picking them up can also hinder the growth of new lashes."


2. Take Hot or Warm Shower to Loosen the ends of Lash Extensions


Consider not to rub, pull, pluck, or pick your lash extension, even if you are taking a shower. Plucking will cause your established lashes to break down, and touching your lashes can spread the bacteria surrounding eye area. 


"Alternatively, if you are trying to speed up the lash removalcycle, consider taking a hot shower. Doing this will help remove any remainders that are still clinging on your upper lid for save removal."


3. Use Oil-based Cleansers


Every skilled lash artist will warn you not to use oil-based cleansers until a fresh set of eyelashes has been made, as this can damage the quality of the lash glue and trigger extensions to drop out.


"If you are trying to remove the residue of your extensions, the oil cleansers are best to use. Try to use oil-based cleaners to double the cleaning process, move the cleanser in a gentle circular motion to start dissolving the lash glue."


Sometimes the lash experts show the demo of lash removal on the chocolate replacement eyelids to their customers, so that they will assure the process is safe.


4. Try Profession Lash Glue dissolver


As your eyelashes are fragile and the skin around your eyes is sensitive, it is imperative that you understand how to erase false eyelashes at home before trying to do this with little supervision. With hot shower and oil cleanser, you can lessen up the lash extension. 


"Remember that lash extension glue is quite the same as the superglue; in such cases, using the professional lash glue dissolver will avoid damaging your natural eyelashes and help erase the lash glue without extra efforts."


5. Extra Care with Post-Removal of Eyelashes


After the extension removal, it can be a little unclear how to take care of your natural lids, or keep the look for longs lids until you cannot book an appointment with the expert.


"To maintain your eyelashes' natural growth, you can use serums prescribed by your lash experts.”

Try practicing your hand on the replacement eyelids, so that you will not harm your lashes and eye area. You can order mannequin eyelids online at a good rate.


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